1400-2200€/pers. (min 2 pers)
If you're up for some serious sportfishing in the gorgeous waters of Croatia, get ready for a trip right up your alley! This trip is all about the Bluefin Tuna. You will go out with Nikola, an expert fisherman, for Tuna popping using light tackle. Or tuna drifting if you decide to fish during the summer or fall. It's a fantastic trip that can net you that catch you've always dreamt of! During this time the Tuna feeds in the area, so the fishing is as hot as it can be. This trip includes:
-5 days of lodging, with 3 days of guideing
- Gourmet trufle dinner on first night, dinners on fishing days
-transfer from/to pula airport
- boats and gas
Spinning rod, real and lures can be rented for 150€/person
For more Details check our video brochure.
PAYMENTt: 50% upon booking, remainder upon arrival
*for payment details click "get in touch"